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Class FAQs
View our frequently asked questions
HOW DO I BOOK INTO A CLASS?You can book via "Book a class" button on our website or via the Mind Body app which can be downloaded via the app store. Simply search for Bodhi Pilates Co in the Mind Body app where you can book, purchase and cancel any classes. All classes must be booked and paid for prior to attending. You can use to Log In button and click sign in to alter any previous bookings if your preference is using our website rather then the app.
HOW DO I CANCEL A CLASS I CAN NO LONGER ATTEND?Please cancel out of your class as soon as you know you can no longer attend. You can cancel a class via our website "log in on the top right corner using your login details. You can also cancel via the mind body app which is found in the app store is great for booking/cancelling classes. 8 hours notice is required to avoid loosing your class this allows us to know how many are attending as well as free the spot up for someone who can attend as our classes are small.
HOW LONG DO YOUR CLASSES GO FOR?Our classes run for 45mins and are fitness based. We give you lots of options to make the class easier or more challenging for you.
WHAT DO I WEAR AND BRING TO CLASS?Wear comfortable gym attire, which you can move freely in. Socks must be worn during classes for safety and hygiene purposes. We have grippy socks to purchase at the studio if you don't already own your own as normal socks can be slippery. We also have a water filling station for your comfort.
WHAT TIME SHOULD I ARRIVE?If you are brand new to our studio please arrive 10mins before class so we can introduce you to our studio/instructor and show you how the reformer works. If you have been to our classes before please arrive at least 5mins before. If you are late and miss the warm up we cannot allow you to enter the class as we have a duty of care to ensure your body is warm before our class.
WHATS THE MINIMUM AGE TO ATTEND CLASSES?Yes you have to be over the age of 16 years old to attend a class. Our dynamic classes are not suitable for young growing bodies.
I HAVE AN INJURY, CAN I STILL ATTEND A CLASS ?It will depend on your injury and your road to recovery. You may need to get a medical certificate from your GP/Physio before you can attend. It’s best to give us a call before booking and participating in a class to make sure you’re not putting yourself at risk of further damage.
HOW LONG AFTER BIRTH CAN I ATTEND A CLASS?We ask that you wait until after you receive the all clear from your 6 week GP/Obstetrician check up to make sure that everything is healing well and there is no abdominal separation issues.
WHAT IF I'M PREGNANT, CAN I ATTEND A CLASS?If you are new to Bodhi Pilates co, we ask that you not start our classes until after your pregnancy (GP Clearance required). Due to our dynamic style of training, we do not recommend attending our group classes unless they are pregnancy specific which is something we may introduce in the near future.
CAN I TRANSFER OR SHARE MY SESSIONS?No, all packs are non transferable, cannot be shared and must be used by the expiry date.
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